We supply an organic chemistry training lab covers various topics in the practical methods of separation, purification, extraction, and synthesis of organic compounds as well as their identification. the lab system also covers compounds and basic spectroscopic techniques for the identification of organic compounds.
The lab system enables students to apply many experiments and activities such as:
- Haloalkanes: Wurtz reaction – lithium organyls
- Toluene: Bromination in the nucleus
- Preparation of p-toluene sulfonic acid
- Cannizzaro reaction and reaction of benzaldehyde with ethylene glycol
- Haloalkanes: Grignard reagent
- Steam distillation
- Quantitative determination of fat / Soxhlet extraction
- Chromatographic separation processes: thin-layer chromatography (TLC)
- Chromatographic separation processes: Gas chromatography
- Column chromatography – separation of leaf pigments
- Fractional distillation with the bubble tray column
- Rectification – the number of theoretical trays in a distillation column