We supply an integrated microbiology training lab system that Designed to provide students with a multidisciplinary approach to the study of the microbial diversity of complex ecosystems include scale-aware ecology systems, advanced imaging, physiological diversity of microbes, and plant-microbe interactions.
The lab equipment package enables students to apply many experiments and activities cover various topics in Ecology & Environmental such as:
- Experiments on Seasons and Angle of Insolation
- Experiments on A Local Weather Study
- Experiments on Investigating Dissolved Oxygen
- Experiments on Water Quality
- Experiments on Long Term Water Monitoring
- Experiments on Water Treatment
- Experiments on Investigating Salinity
- Experiments on Soil Temperature
- Experiments on Soil Salinity
- Experiments on Soil pH
- Experiments on Soil Moisture
- Experiments on Soil and Acid Rain
- Experiments on Managing Garden Soil Moisture
- Experiments on Cell Respiration (CO2)
- Experiments on Biodiversity in Ecosystems
- Experiments on Biochemical Oxygen Demand
- Experiments on Water Cycle Column Investigations
- Experiments on Decomposition Column Investigations
- Experiments on Eco column Investigations
- Experiments on Global Warming
- Experiments on UV Investigations
- Experiments on Comparing Sunscreens
- Experiments on Primary Productivity
- Experiments on Modeling Population Growth
- Experiments on Insulation Study
- Experiments on Fossil Fuels
- Experiments on Energy Conversion
- Experiments on Wind Power
- Experiments on Photovoltaic Cells
- Experiments on Investigation of Passive Solar Heating
- Experiments on The Effect of Acid Deposition on Aquatic Ecosystems
- Experiments on Measuring Particulates
- Experiments on Investigating Indoor Carbon Dioxide Concentrations
- Experiments on A Pollution Study