Our fluid mechanics and water resources training Lab with full equipment range include Self-Tilting Flume Cavitation Hydrostatic Pressure Flow over Weir Bernoulli’s Theorem Demonstration Flow Channel Basic Hydraulic Bench with Pentium Controlled Energy Loss in Pipes Accessor Osborne Reynolds’ Demonstration Flow Meter Demonstration Energy Loss in Bends and Fittings Impact of a Jet Orifice & Free Jet Flow, Metacentric Height.
The lab system enables students to apply many experiments and activities such as:
- Fluid Properties: Viscosity, Density and Specific Gravity
- Calibration of Pressure Gages
- Hydrostatic Forces and Ventre of Pressure
- Free and Forced Vortices
- Bernoulli’s Theorem Demonstration
- Osborne Reynolds
- Impact of Jets
- Losses in Pipes and Fittings
- Measurement of Density
- Measurement of Viscosity
- Hydrostatic Pressure
- Metacentric Height
- Flow Meter Demonstration
- Energy Losses in Pipes
- Open Channel Flow